Soil depletion means fewer nutrients available
Recent studies show that 33% of global soil and over half of agricultural soil are “moderately or highly degraded” due to management practices. Degraded soil has fewer nutrients and microbes, reducing the quality and quantity of what we can grow.
Phosphate is one of the most expensive nutrients on a per kilo basis, yet it’s repeatedly applied in excess at the expense of other trace nutrients. An excess of one nutrient for short-term results contributes to further long-term depletion of soil health.
What do all those nutrients do?
There are 13 elements needed for healthy pasture growth, and 3 more for animal health. Each plays a critical role, but too much or too little can be detrimental. That’s why an in-depth soil analysis is part of what we do to create a custom fertiliser specific to your needs.

You need all key elements in your soil
A lot of the time, the farmer’s budget is gone by the time they’ve applied phosphate, as it’s one of the most expensive nutrients on a kilo basis, and the other elements are neglected. But they are so important.

For healthy pasture growth you need 13 elements and a further 3 for animal health. Generally farmers only apply nitrogen, phosphate, sulphur and potassium. Over application of those kinds of minerals can do a lot of damage. Liming is important to manage soil acidity, this impacts pasture growth and animal health.
Gordon Rajendram Ph.D.
Independent Soil Scientist

Plant growth
Nitrogen is one of the most widely distributed elements in nature and it’s the most abundant gas in the atmosphere. Soil-based N undergoes many complex biological transformations that make it challenging to manage.
Nitrogen supports plant growth and encourages the healthy development of foliage and fruit.

Plant development
The function of phosphorus in plants is very important. It helps a plant convert other nutrients into usable building blocks with which to grow. Phosphorus is one of the main three nutrients most commonly found in fertilisers.
Phosphorus is essential to a plant’s growth.

Plant health
Potassium is essential in nearly all processes needed to sustain plant growth and reproduction. Plants deficient in potassium are less resistant to drought, excess water, and high and low temperatures.
Potassium improves the overall health of growing plants and helps them fight against disease, it is known as the “quality” nutrient.

Nutrient absoption
Calcium is an essential nutrient that carries a heavy load in plant growth. Calcium, along with magnesium and potassium, helps to neutralise organic acids, which form during cell metabolism in plants.
Calcium also plays a role in other key plant functions, such as the absorption of other nutrients by roots and their translocation within the plant.

Photosyntesis support
Energy is required for proper plant growth. Crops require magnesium to capture the sun’s energy for growth and production through photosynthesis. Magnesium is also an essential component of the chlorophyll molecule.
Magnesium is essential for phosphate metabolism, plant respiration and the activation of several enzyme systems.

Plant strength
Sulphur is supplied to plants from the soil by organic matter and minerals, but it is often present in insufficient quantities.
Sulphur is part of every living cell and required for synthesis of certain amino acids and proteins. Sulphur is also important in photosynthesis and crop winter hardiness.

Crop production
Most farmers disregard the sodium level in their soil, unless there is too much. Sodium levels can, however, have impact on production. Excess sodium indicates poor soil structure and can potentially reduce the uptake of other nutrients by plants.

Supports cell membranes
Boron is one of the most important micronutrients affecting membrane stability. Boron supports the structural and functional integrity of plant cell membranes. Other functions include the maintenance of the plasma membrane and other metabolic pathways.

Metabolic functions

Plant growth
Iron is essential for crop growth and food production. Plants take up Iron as the ferrous (Fe2+) cation. Iron is a component of many enzymes associated with energy transfer, nitrogen reduction and fixation, and lignin formation.

Plant and animal health
Small amounts of cobalt are essential for good health. A lack of cobalt in a form which plants or organisms are able to absorb can have major effects on the health of the animals in an area. Cobalt in soil is also necessary for the healthy functioning of some plants.

Plant growth

Crop yield
Zinc was one of the first micronutrients recognized as essential for plants and the one most commonly limiting yields. Although Zinc is required only in small amounts, high yields are impossible without it. In plants, Zinc is a key constituent of many enzymes and proteins. It plays an important role in a wide range of processes, such as growth hormone production and internode elongation.

Animal health

Plant growth

Animal health
Plant and animal health
Plant growth

Andrew Peters
We’re pretty happy with what we’ve achieved. There’s been big improvements made from coming here, with the health of our livestock and farm in general.

Les Rowlands
John and I had long and involved conversations about what should be in the product to try and mitigate some of the issues we farmers were facing out in the field. It was a relief to find a system that would give you another tool in dealing with some of these issues.

Hamish Ormond
The animal health bill dropped. It’s due to the way we changed how we are treating our stock, right from the grass and what we are putting on it.